Just as many folks who sell a pup wishes the buyer were a Hungarian Count, we’re sure most future owners have a vision of where their vizsla was born and raised. We will take you on a small tour of our place starting at the entrance.
As you get to our driveway, you will see two signs before turning down our driveway which is over 1/4 mile long. We live on 230 acres devoted to having fun with our vizslas. It is licensed as a hunt club with the state just so we and our vizsla buddies can train and hunt with the dogs year-round. As you drive along the driveway, you will pass Lake Inferior (small pond) and the horses. Some are ours and some belong to vizsla club members.
As you make the turn in the driveway, you will see the clubhouse, and barn on your left. The truck and horse trailer are standard equipment for field trials. Our farm is called "Heaven on Earth" as we both feel extremely blessed to live here.
Across the yard from the kennel building is our house.
It is 140 years old with a wonderful wrap-around porch on the north and east side. That's Brenda and Phoebe (shih tzus-now deceased) in the driveway. Jim says the only thing that works in a 140 year-old house is the owner!
This is a second house which sits next door. Formerly Linda's parents lived there until they passed away in 2014. Now her mother's caregivers still live there and help with the dogs and chores.
A protected species at the farm are our chickens. Notice the baby peeking out from under the bar in both pictures.